The Sword

The Sword

As soon as he opened the door and began to walk into the classroom, we felt the dynamism and directness of him. Clad in the cassock and roman collar of a catholic priest, he walked erect and purposefully, but not hurriedly, toward the center of the classroom. When he turned and faced the class, we were able to closely observe him. He was relatively tall, slight of build, but yet exuding a physical strength, with a rough lined face, and piercing, though not threatening, eyes. In appearance he was very different from the stereotyped religion teacher. He looked like a warrior and, when he spoke, he was a warrior. “We are to face the world with a sword and fight with it. The sword is the truth of Jesus Christ, God,” was his opening remark to us. And he became more combative as his lecture proceeded. Everyone in the class was mesmerized by his dynamism and controlled aggression. Clearly his calling was to fight and fight hard for belief in God; no compromises, no passivity, no accommodations to the hesitant. The truth of Christ was safe in his hands; he would not back away from it….no, not one step backwards.

The question arises, “Where are the dynamic Catholic leaders today”? Where are the individuals with the fortitude to fight for the truth of Jesus Christ, to proclaim with loving forcefulness his truths? There are too few leaders, but there is no benefit in chastising others. The answer to the leadership issue is simple. It is that every Catholic must accept the challenge and inculcate himself/ herself with the truth of the Church and charge forward defending it against all opponents. Starting within the family unit, Jesus Christ and his Church must be taught, defended, and lived. Then as God guides each one of us we must expand our outreach to others in ways that mirror Jesus’ approach, with dignity, compassion, and understanding. Ask the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit in all endeavors. God will not abandon you; you are doing his work.

Some will urge caution and inquire, “Why do battle, why fight at all?” The answer is simple and direct, ‘We have no choice.” In the book of Job, the need for battle is clearly, succinctly stated, “The life of man on this earth is warfare.” Whether we like it or not, each one of us must engage in battle or submit to the forces of evil. Eagerly and enthusiastically take up the sword of truth and charge forward, listening to and following the promptings of the Holy Spirit!

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus Christ.

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