The Most Important Event in Human History

The Most Important Event in Human History

Since the beginning of human history, there have been numerous seminal events, often initiated by humans, that have significantly influenced human behavior and subsequent events. Some of these activities include: Alexander the Great’s conquests, the Egyptian civilization, Moses and the Jewish Exodus, the rule of Caesar Augustus and the Roman dominance, Charlemagne’s empire, the rise of Islam, the European Renaissance, Napoleon, the American Revolution and the rise of democracy, two World Wars.  As significant and influential as these and other events and individuals have been in mankind’s long history, none of these compare in significance to the most important event in all of history – the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Assuming that there is a God and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, no event or person in recorded history can compare in significance to Christ and His life on earth. God interjects Himself directly into human history. Think about it! God presents Himself visually in human form to mankind, instructing man in the most loving manner on His expectations for all of humanity; it is wonderfully overwhelming. God, man’s creator and judge, assumes the human condition and offers Himself as a sacrifice for man’s sins. Nothing in all of human history compares to the importance of God’s entrance into the human life. Mankind will never be the same.

Even those who do not believe in the existence of God or accept the Godhead of Jesus Christ must recognize the effect of Christ’s entrance on the world scene. For two thousand years much of human history has been influenced by man’s belief that Christ is God and that His teachings provide the basis for human interactions.

Jesus Christ is the Everlasting Man…God tenderly loving mankind forever!

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