The Expiration Date

The Expiration Date.

With excited anticipation, she glanced at the bowl filled to the brim with her favorite cereal, sliced bananas, and a few strawberries. She was enthusiastically eager to start consuming the feast, waiting only to add milk to the cereal. After she poured a generous amount of milk onto the contents of the bowl, she took her first big bite, turned up her nose, and let out an exasperated “Yuck”. Realizing that the milk was sour, she inspected the milk cartoon; the expiration date was well past. Why had she not inspected the expiration date before she poured the milk onto the cereal and fruit. What a fool she thought to herself! Her breakfast delight was ruined!

In all aspects of one’s life there are numerous expiration dates which must be faced. Automobile warranties, computer guarantees, and almost every food item all have expiration dates attached to them. Everyone must prepare themselves to know and observe expiration indications for any item that is purchased.

However, the most important expiration date is seldom considered until it is too late, just as the lady who did not inspect the milk cartoon until the damage was done. Few people contemplate their own expiration date, that time when they cease to exist. Death announces an individual’s expiration date. Unfortunately, very few people take the time to consider the import of that all important and final date. Unlike the expiration date on a milk cartoon, a person’s expiration date is unknown. It could be today, tomorrow, or, more likely, sometime in the not-so-near future. But one’s bodily life on earth does have an end date, which may be delayed but not eliminated.

Thus, it is very important to contemplate the consequences of the finality of earthly existence. Each person should consider the reason for his / her existence. Why is any of us here? Do we have a specific purpose to fulfill in the time we have? Is there an existence for us after this life or is this all there is? Is there a God? If so, what does He expect of us? The much admired Greek philosopher Plato reasoned that each person possessed an immortal soul. Assuming that Plato was correct about the immortality of the soul, what does that mean for me? The list of questions seems to be endless, but it is vital for a truly lived human life to carefully contemplate the answers to many key questions about the reason for life.  Great thinkers throughout the ages have presented cogent answers to these questions. They should be examined by everyone of us….and acted upon.

Remember that each one of us has an expiration date which is final. Consider carefully the consequences of this reality.

For Consideration

“In the end, all is gift. Nothing needs to exist, yet it does. To be a Roman Catholic means to be open to this gift and to be charged by it to understand what we really are: persons invited to live within the inner life of the Godhead. We may accept or reject this invitation in the course of our lives. That, finally, is why we are given our lives: to make this choice. All else perhaps matters, but nothing matters so much.”

Schall, Fr. James V. . Catholicism and Intelligence (Living Faith Series) . Emmaus Road Publishing. Kindle Edition.

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