The Means and The End


The Means and The End

Stephen Coffey, the author of several business and motivational books, noted in one book that one should always, “Start with the end in mind.” Seneca, a first century Roman philosopher, stated the same principle, “If an individual knows not what harbor they seek, any wind is the right wind.” Both authors were emphasizing the same truth. If one does not clearly identify one’s goals, one is likely to be pushed by any idea or force to an endless succession of activities that lead to nothing, except activity itself.

For a Christian, the end is Jesus Christ…union with God. Yet many Christians lose sight of the end, becoming enamored with secondary objects, using Christ as a means to justify their activities. C.S. Lewis, in his delightfully engaging and compelling book about temptation, “The Screwtape Letters”, noted that Satan is expert at tempting man into concentrating on non-essential issues, at the expense of man’s relationship with God. Lewis’ Screwtape (Satan’s helper) instructed his fellow devil thusly. “Certainly we do not want man to allow their Christianity to flow into their political life, for the establishment of anything like a really just society would be a major disaster. On the other hand we do want, and want very much, to make men treat Christianity as a means, preferably, of course, as a means to their own advancement, but, failing that, as a means to anything- even to social justice. The thing to do is to get man at first to value social justice as a thing the Enemy (God) demands, and then work him to the stage at which he values Christianity because it may produce social justice.” Lewis’ devil is using a good (social justice) to distract man from his real end – God.  Prayer, the Sacraments, and a personal relationship with Christ have given way to social activism.

Within Catholicism and Christianity in general, there are many who see their roles as simply and primarily as the promoters of social welfare. God and the Church are the means and justification for any of their actions that, in their view, promote their specific social ends. Many members of the clergy in all religions, Christian and Non Christian, have subverted religion as the means to obtain goals that are the creation of man, rather than the work of God. Screwtape is indeed at work here.

The real end for all Christians – Christ – is pushed back into becoming the means.  The truth is that any semblance of social justice will be obtained only by having an absolute love for Christ. Prayer and the sacraments will help man attain that love of Christ and provide man with the courage to remain faithful despite the difficulties and challenges man faces. True justice can be obtained only if the Christian has first developed a sincere and deep relationship with God. Jesus Christ is the end, not the means!

‘If you make my word your home you will indeed be my disciples, you will learn the truth and the truth will make you free.’  Jesus  John 8:31

Suggested Reading:

“The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis, published by Harper SanFrancisco



No Chance

The Hurricane violently crashed into the Gulf coast cities, shredding all of man’s designed structures and possessions. All was rubble and chaos; what life remained was battered and stunned into disbelief. The tsunamis in Asia, the tornados in the central U.S., the earthquakes in many parts of the world all leave the physical results of man’s intelligence and design in utter ruin. Little is left. The order in man’s physical life has been obliterated. The forces of nature eliminated the work of the intelligence and the design of man.

Nature by itself designs nothing; it exists for an intelligent being to do the designing. Yet some humans will strongly contend that the universe itself occurred by accident, by chance, without a designer, without an intellect. Contrary to some theories, science, rather than providing proof that the universe and nature are the result of chance, is leading man to realize that chance is not a viable explanation for the creation of the universe. Some recent studies theorize that, even before the beginning of the universe, information existed. Whatever theories may be contemplated in the future, it is becoming increasingly clear that the universe was not created by chance, by some unintelligible forces, controlled by nothing. Would anyone accept the notion that forces of nature, such as hurricanes or tsunamis, through their random tossing and churning of nature could ever produce a computer or an automobile…or any complex item. Of course not! Yet there are those who propose that the universe and nature, with all of their unique and intricate complexities and orderliness, are a product of chance; the product of the churning and tossing of various forces without any intelligence involved.

The chances of the earth being the right size, the proper distance away from the sun, containing water, and the innumerable other conditions for life are extremely minute. The mathematical odds that all of these and other essential conditions happened by chance are astronomical–beyond billions to one!The fact is that the universe is orderly and reliable, indicating an intelligence behind it. Albert Einstein, one of the most acclaimed scientists in history, noted,” “I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists.” Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics, said, “Why nature is mathematical is a mystery…The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle.”Once one accepts that rules exist, then intelligence must precede the rules. The order in the universe contrasts very vividly with the chaos and destruction evident in the randomness of hurricanes and other natural disasters. If the universe was not designed with intelligence, then one would expect the chaos of unintelligible randomness, but the universe does follow rules and is orderly.

One wonders why many non-believers argue with such disdain against the logic of intelligent design for the universe. Robert Laidlaw’s answer to this question is very perceptive, “God exists whether or not men may choose to believe in Him. The reason why many people do not believe in God is not so much that it is intellectually impossible to believe in God, but because belief in God forces that thoughtful person to face the fact that he is accountable to such a God.” Man does not want to face the fact of his accountability to God.

Some suggested readings;

“Faith and Certitude”, by Thomas Dubay. Fr.Dubay writes a powerful and readable commentary on faith, included within the commentary is a discussion about whether the universe could be a product of chance.

“The Devil’s Delusion, Atheism and its Scientific Pretentions”, by David Berlinksi, who is an agnostic secular Jew. Mr. Berlinski received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton University and was later a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics and molecular biology at Columbia University. He has written several books on mathematics and has taught at universities in the U.S. and France. In “The Devil’s Delusion”, with humor and cogent arguments, Berlinksi notes there is nothing in science proper that undermines religion, that most of the new atheists badly misunderstand even the most rudimentary arguments of theology and are not logically consistent, and finally that much of science has become rather dogmatic, like a new religion.

“From Atheism to Catholicism”, by Kevin Vost, who is a clinical psychologist and a member of Mensa. Mr.Vost subtitled his book, “How scientists and philosophers led me to Truth.”