Lions and Humans


Lions and Humans

Animal Planet is a cable television channel featuring fascinating and intriguing aspects of the animal world. The lions, leopards, and cheetahs, which occupy parts of the African plains, are frequently featured on this channel, with the traits and actions of these large cats portrayed and analyzed during the programs. Of particular interest are the lions, which are the most social of all the cats, living in family groups called prides. The interaction of all members of the pride seems to be always directed toward the success of the entire pride, rather than to the benefit of any one member of the group. Each member has distinct responsibilities for hunting, nurturing the young, procreating, and protection against enemies.

The relationship between male and female lions regarding procreation is similar to many other animals. It is interesting, and sometimes amusing, to watch a large male lion, with its mangy, disheveled mane court a female. He will saunter over to the female, only to be frequently rejected with a threatening snarl from the female. Persistently he will not accept this initial rejection and will try again to solicit her interest by snuggling up to her, only to forcefully rejected with a snarl and a sharp blow to the head from one of the paws of the female. The male thoroughly gets the message and begins to wander away; glancing back at the female, he is probably thinking, “Wow, this chic must have a really bad headache!” In fact the female is acting as instinct tells her to do since she is not “in season,” that is, she is not fertile and not able to conceive offspring. She will only accept the male when she is fertile and is able to conceive.

Regarding procreation, many animals exhibit traits similar to those of lions in that intercourse occurs only when the female is fertile and able to conceive. Internal instinct dictates that male and female intercourse has as its primary purpose procreation of a new life and the survival of the species. Animals instinctively understand that intercourse is primarily a life giving activity and not a recreational function solely for the pleasure of the male and female.

If animals understand the vital and primary role that sex has for their survival and act accordingly, why do humans try to shift the primary role of sexual activity to recreation and anything but procreation? Are not humans supposed to possess a higher intelligence than animals possess? Or has that higher intelligence been sacrificed on the altar of self-indulgence?  Humans are the only creatures gifted with an intellect and reason….and the ability to love. Love between a male and a female occurs when “the will unites and joins with joy and the welfare of someone else.” Love can never be confused with lust. Marital love assumes the partners truly care for each other and are willing to accept the responsibilities and consequences of their acts of love. Humans are not lions or tigers or any other brute animal; they are intelligent and reasonable beings who are expected to use their unique gifts responsibly.

Whose actions regarding procreation acts are wiser, the lion who instinctively understands the primary purpose of sexual activity is for the generation of the species or the human who uses sex primarily for personal pleasure, using a partner as a thing rather than a respected and treasured friend?





The dictionary definition of the word clarity is “clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding; freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity.” Or to state it in another manner, clarity is “the state or quality of being clear or transparent to the eye or mind.” When decisions are required, all people claim to seek clarity regarding the issues involved in the decision making process. It is a great benefit for individuals to be able to discern precisely the issue or decision presented to them. Unfortunately, clarity frequently escapes people, resulting in decisions being made that actually prevent people from achieving their objectives. Clarity or clearness is elusive. Unfortunately, in many instances, the lack of clarity occurs because people are more comfortable with ambiguity; to some this lack of clearness seems to provide an escape from the responsibility for the outcome of their decision.

Often individuals have a vested reason to obscure clarity from another individual. A salesman for a television product may receive a greater commission if he obtains an order for a newer version of the television, even though the customer is really interested in a basic and lower costing product. It is to the advantage of the salesperson to confuse the customer to change the customer’s vision of clarity to a different product. Thus throughout all of our daily lives there are forces and individuals who seek to cloud a person’s view of clarity.

As much as they pontificate about the clarity and rightness of their positions on political issues, few, if any, politicians really desire to present to their constituents a clear picture of their position on issues. They prefer ambiguity. Since they want to appeal to a large cross section of the voting public, many politicians purposely try to confuse the public about their positions on important issues. Clarity in politics is almost non- existent. It is very difficult for the individual voter to fully understand the precise issue at hand and the position of any particular politician.

On the other hand, possessing a clear unequivocal view of an issue often presents an individual with a clear choice that has to be made…. must be made. Frequently an individual comes face to face with the clearness of an issue when he is presented with a clear choice…possibly a choice he does not want to face. Often, in these instances, he would prefer ambiguity and confusion so as to avoid making a choice.  In the case of the taking of a life of an unborn child, it is clear that the child is a human being. Thus when one proposes to end the life of the unborn human being, one must face the reality that one is killing another human being…one who possesses the genes of the mother and father. In cases such as these, the individual does not want to face the clarity of the issue; it is too difficult to admit the ending of a life of the innocent. Thus clarity is avoided at all cost.

Thus real clarity faces several obstacles.

  • The desire of one or more persons to obstruct real clarity.  I.e. politicians, abortionists, etc.
  • The desire of an individual to avoid clarity because of the difficult choices that the individual may want to avoid.
  • An inability of the individual to have the necessary information to form a clear picture of the issue.

On many occasions, when a person or an organization presents a clear picture of an issue or idea for acceptance or rejection, they are met with hostility. Many people do not want to face the fact that their positions on an issue may be untenable under a clear examination. Others just do not want to tolerate any position that is counter to their own. Emotion often takes over and hatred commences for the individual or organization that is presenting clarity and the clear choices that must be faced. Frequently the hatred becomes vitriolic and violent.

An organization that offers clarity in it teachings and thus encounters the most hatred and opposition is the Catholic Church.  Many people hate the Catholic Church because its teachings on God, Jesus Christ, sin, hell, abortion, marriage, and numerous other issues are clear. These teachings force people to directly meet the prime issues of life, which often directly challenge their own beliefs and values. Even individuals within the Church, including people in senior clerical and lay positions, tremble at the clarity of the Church’s teachings on key issues. Thus rather than making a decision to accept the teaching or leaving the Church, they attempt to obfuscate the issue so as to appear to be in harmony with the Church’s official teaching, while, in fact, attempting to confuse the issue.

Clarity offers individuals the opportunity to contemplate an issue directly and then make a decision on it. However, in far too many issues, people would prefer obfuscation and confusion to clarity. They can avoid the real issue … their own unwillingness to accept the consequences of making a decision. A true Catholic will learn the teachings of the church regarding fundamental matters of faith and morals and make decisions based upon the clear unequivocal teachings of the church.  However, far too many “Catholics” do not want to accept the clarity offered by the Church’s magisterium. Oh, cowards that we are!