Sin and Forgiveness


Sin and forgiveness

Oh how his knee hurt!!! Unable to walk without a pronounced limp, he felt the sharp pain as he lumbered to his favorite chair, moving even with the limp was painfully difficult. Since he was scheduled, in a few days, to consult with an orthopedic specialist, he barely took notice of the decline of his overall health, thinking that any general decline of his health was  related to the knee problem. There was no need to see another doctor. Oh how wrong he was! As his overall health began a rapid decline, he was finally persuaded by family members to allow himself to be taken to a hospital emergency room. That decision probably saved his life, as a deeper and more dangerous infection than the painful knee threatened his life. Death was close at hand and was only prevented from reaching its destiny by actions that resulted in a correct diagnosis and quick treatment for the life threatening disease. It was a close call for him. If one does not recognize the problem, then one will succumb to its consequence.

As human beings sin; it is very easy to disregard sins as only minor issues, or, no problem at all. Few people focus on the accumulated harm that sin does to one’s soul. All too few people fail to concentrate on the urgent need to find the remedy for sin, not willing to recognize the ultimate danger in which they are placing their souls. Fortunately there is a cure, a remedy, for sin and a relief from its fatal consequences. However, the cure is frequently ignored, in part because many do not acknowledge the problems or consequences of sin. People do not want to admit the danger that sin presents. In fact, many deny the existence of sin or deny that certain actions are sinful; often they do not want to face the very serious and often fatal danger of sin.

Similar to the sick man with the deadly infection, if the sinful person does not seek a remedy for his sin, then he could face a deadly consequence – in the case of sin, the most deadly consequence of all — hell and an eternal agony. Fortunately, God so loves mankind that He provides a remedy for sin – His forgiveness. Additionally, through His church he established the mechanism for the reception of forgiveness – the sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation). It is the choice of each individual to access the sacrament Penance or not….to be reconciled with God or not. The clergy should be screaming to all Catholics, “Seek reconciliation with God, Go to Confession regularly.” Then the clergy should make the sacrament readily available to all. The man with the injured knee sought relief from his pain and deteriorating health….just in time. Will Catholics acknowledge and seek remedy for their sins before it is too late? It is their choice. Choose well!

Catholics be cured of your spiritual illness before it is too late!!

St. Ambrose wisely noted,” It was God who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the work of handing on this reconciliation. In other words, God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself, not holding men’s faults against them, and he has entrusted to us the news that they are reconciled”

If you return to the Lord, then he will not hide his face from you. Psalm 43

The Jaw Breaker!


The Jaw Dropper!

She and her husband had arrived early in the expectation that they would be among the first to meet the “great man.” With the anticipation of meeting their hero, the couple could feel the excitement well up inside them; their stomachs were churning with nervous excitement.  Then it happened, the President of their country had arrived, their jaws dropped as they witnessed the tall distinguished looking man being escorted through the admiring crowds. “Oh, he is so much better looking than I envisioned,” gushed the woman. Her husband enthusiastically noted how poised he was among so many people clamoring for his attention. Their excitement and anticipation significantly increased as they gradually approached the president for their turn to shake hands with him.

The hall would be crowded, but the sensitive young boy was still excited to be able to attend the awards and honors banquet for the players in his soccer league. He thought to himself it would be nice if he would receive an honor or award. The very thought of receiving an honor was exciting him. As he entered the hall, his eyes scanned the room, hoping to see some of his friends.  Then he saw him….his eyes bulged out and his jaw dropped in disbelief and exaltation! Standing in the middle of the room was his idol, the player of the year in professional soccer. Could it be that he would really get to meet his hero, his idol!

Similar to the husband and wife and the young boy, most of us have experienced jaw dropping moments when, often taken by surprise, we encountered someone we admired or were recipients of an unexpected honor. On such occasions our eyes would seem to bulge out and our whole being would shiver in joyous excitement and anticipation.

Meeting a famous person or receiving an award often justify joyous reactions of excitement and joy. However, there is one occasion that should be the most jaw dropping experience of all. It is when a person meets Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist or when one is having a conversation with Him during the exposition of the Holy Eucharist. God is there to converse with us and help us manage life. God, not simply another human, is in one’s presence in the Eucharist. He is so much more than just a political or sports hero; He is our creator, guide, and helper. He is the beginning and the end of all of our activity, of our very being. .

When we proceed to receive the Eucharist or attend Eucharist Adoration, do our jaws drop in anticipation of meeting God and having an intimate exchange with Him? Remember who we are meeting!!!  It is God entering our lives with love and a desire to personally care for each one of us. It is not merely a handshake and a perfunctory encounter with a politician or sports figure; it is a loving God who offers us an intimate relationship. Think about it – God is inviting us into a loving meaningful relationship with Him. Wow!!

Will you embrace the intimate relationship which Christ is so lovingly and freely offering ??