The New gods



As they began to discuss their personal belief systems, John mentioned that he was a Christian, maintaining that he was certain of God’s existence. His friend Wilton emphatically retorted, “There is no such a being as God. I am convinced atheist.” John calmly replied,” You may not believe in a divine, supernatural being, but you certainly believe in any number of new gods,” Wilton questioned his friend, “Who are these new gods you say that I trust?” John answered by first indicating that there three primary new gods, with some lesser ones, which ancient peoples also worshiped. One or more of these gods might take precedence among individuals at any give time. Modern men have renamed and provided additional capabilities to these deities, while simultaneously claiming that there is no God.

In a fit of frustration, Wilton challenged John, “Tell me who are these gods who you incorrectly claim I accept and worship.”  John confidently replied, “The gods of today are the state/ government, science, and humanity. These gods seem to be able to manage all of mankind’s issues, providing economic, health and moral benefits.”

Before Wilton could retort, John continued to identify more clearly his description of the three gods. Firstly, modern man has developed a view of the State / government as an entity that can solve most, if not all, of society’s major concerns, from the distribution of wealth to health care. Government has become the caretaker for all, for everything. Government provides “free money’ during the times of health concerns or economic recession. It dictates health care regulations even when such regulations are overkill or even not necessary for portions or all the public. Yet this new god must be obeyed in all circumstances, regardless of one’s personal beliefs. Of course, all of us willingly accept the “free money,” whether we need it or not. Government is certainly one of the new gods. (Actually, the State / government is not a new god; it is an old god, redressed as a new benevolent one.)

The State / Government has an ally to which it is closely aligned. This ally is science or what may also be properly called political science, since it often is used to further political goals. As a new god, statements and actions which claim to rest on pure science are frequently not called to answer questions related to its claims. Real Science requires intense and thorough investigation of assertions made for any alleged scientific claim. In the 17th century, the French scientist and philosopher Descartes noted that real science begins with doubting and proceeds to question and thoroughly investigate the claims of science. Carl Sagan, a noted 20th century astronomer noted that science is a self – correcting process. It should be noted that all scientific claims made by politicians should be questioned, if not outright rejected. Modern man’s mantra, “Follow the science” often fails when the science is thoroughly questioned, but nonetheless will be enthusiastically embraced when it seems to support man’s ideology.

Humanity is the third of the new gods. It is assumed that the humanity god is all good, eager to contribute to the benefit of all individual humans. History has taught mankind otherwise. Just review the 20th century with the humanity at work in the acts of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and their many accomplices. Many humans are indeed committed to general goodness, but numerous others are not.

Why are these and other gods, such as freedom, worshiped, though having proven themselves to be very limited and often even evil in their applications?? These gods are accepted, while the real God is ignored or rejected. And Humanity is viewed as intelligent and wise.  How unintelligent and unwise humans can be!!

Random Thoughts


Random Thoughts

For several decades, the British scholar and author, Antony Flew, was the most consistent proponent of atheism. However, in the latter stages of his life, he conceded that scientific evidence convinced him of the existence of God. Flew said that the latest biological research “has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce (life), that intelligence must have been involved.” Antony Flew conceded that many of his philosophical followers will be shocked by his announcement. But he told the Associated Press: “My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato’s Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.”

 One simple thought on suffering – God has never asked of anyone else what he himself had not suffered first.   JTE

When I was young and strong, it did not much matter to me that Jesus was crucified. Now, however, it is important to me that I cannot say to HIM “And what exactly do you KNOW about human suffering being GOD?” His crucifixion allows me to pray.  Unknown author

  “Truth and freedom are closely and necessarily related”. “Honestly seeking and aspiring to truth is the condition of authentic freedom. One cannot live without the other. The Church, which desires to serve unreservedly the human person and his dignity, stands at the service of both truth and freedom. She cannot renounce either, because what is at stake is man himself, because she is moved by love for man, ‘the only creature on earth which God has wanted for its own sake’, and because without this aspiration for truth, justice and freedom, man would lose his very self.”  Pope Benedict XVI In Spain  2010

“Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions.” G.K. Chesterton 

“Neither theological knowledge nor social action alone is enough to keep us in love with Christ unless both are proceeded by a personal encounter with Him. Theological insights are gained not only from between two covers of a book, but from two bent knees before an altar. The Holy Hour becomes like an oxygen tank to revive the breath of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the foul and fetid atmosphere of the world,” – Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

“Salvation comes, not from human beings and their powers, but solely from God—from an act of his grace.”  Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)

“Heaven cannot be populated by human beings who refuse to be there, whose lives indicate they do not want to be there.”  Fr. James Schall

“Our lives begin in time but we are destined for eternity. Our soul is what makes us what we are. It animates the body, enables us to sense and imagine, and most importantly to think and will. Life is a drama in which we are readying ourselves to die, that is, to save our souls. The deeds we do, with the grace of God, make us what we ought to be for all eternity. It is a sobering thought that we can fail at this.”  Dr. Ralph McInerney