Modern Man’s Bloody Hells
Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow……..and more Pow, Pow, Pow, Pow, echoed the gunshots in the classroom and the hallway! Teachers, students, and administrators dived under desks and tables or scrambled toward exit doors, hoping to escape the chaotic rampage occurring all around them. The figures of slain and wounded colleagues and classmates were strewn everywhere. After what seemed to be an eternity the shooter was finally subdued….but not until many individuals were dead or seriously injured. What was not supposed to happen again did happen again.
Even before the shooting had ceased, pundits, politicians, and an assortment of alleged experts began to pontificate about the reasons for the catastrophe. It was the fault of guns….gun control legislation was required. All echoed the same dogma of previous similar catastrophes. Blame was assigned to gun possession, school and police officials, and the President. Why had officialdom not been able to prevent this murderous onslaught? Did they fail to do their due diligence? It was difficult to find someone who was not to blame. Just name someone or something; it was their fault.
For decades the same pundits, politicians, and a variety of “experts” have labored quite successfully to drive God out of the public schools. God, not willing to deny man of his free will, said “OK, if you do not want me in your schools. I will leave.” Modern man has got his wish, but has created his own earthly, bloody Hells! There is an old saying, “Man reaps what he sows”.
Unfortunately modern man will continue to ignore God and more bloody hells will occur. And blame anyone or anything, but will ignore himself.