On Nothing


 Have you ever attempted to think about nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing. No cars, no family, no sports, no existence in any form. If not, give it a try. Go on! Completely empty your mind. Hmm…hard to do, isn’t it? Think about it for a few minutes and then try again. Conceive of nothing – no existence whatsoever. Can’t do it? One cannot think of something that has no existence. In other words, nothing does not exist; there always must be something, even if it is just you.

All that man has experienced are created things. Other people, trees, animals of all kinds, and items that man has brought into existence themselves, such as automobiles, planes, ice cream, etc. are all created things. Everything that man encounters has a creator…everything. There is nothing in man’s experience to suggest that something has been developed out of nothing. Yet since there is creation, how did creation begin?

Some scientists contend that science, sometime in the future, will discover that the universe self created itself – out of nothing. No creator was needed. The universe just is …. from nothing. No first cause was necessary.  No creator being. No God. The universe just happened …. from nothing. Yet man has never been able to comprehend nothing. Nothing by definition lacks existence. How can something come from nothing?

If nothing is an inconceivable concept to man, then one is led to believe in a creator. Mankind has named this creator – God – and has searched for Him and his plans for mankind! Have you searched for your creator? What are His plans for you, for all of mankind?

Every created thing has a reason for its existence. What is your purpose in life?

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