Potentail Human Beings



 The excited couple peered intently at the image on the monitor; it was the image of their baby as shown in the sonogram. The baby was alive and growing; temporarily within the mother’s womb. In a few months the baby would pass into the next phase of his / her life onto the exciting journey of living among the world at large. The parents immediately knew that the image was the product of their love….another human being, a person. The baby was real; there was nothing potential about it…and it was clearly one like them, a human being.

There is a new phrase that is becoming commonplace in today’s vocabulary – “potential human beings.” Who is a potential human being?  Are you..or you.. or you..or ? While the phrase is generally applied to a baby in a mother’s womb, it can in fact be applied in many circumstances. Is a mentally or physically disabled child or adult only potentially a human being, since such a being could be classified as not totally human in the same way as an allegedly “normal” person? Should anyone with any psychological or physical impairment be placed in the “potential human being” classification?  This term can be applied to any person, with the consequences that it becomes easy to also place restrictions on those who do not seem to be truly human. Totalitarian governments throughout history have applied similar terms and concepts to individuals and groups, which they wanted to marginalize or eliminate from their societies. Nazism, Stalinism, Maoism, and other isms have all minimized the value of specific groups and individuals by classifying them as not being truly human.

The fact is that science, as well as religion, has concluded that actual human life begins at conception and ends only at natural death. Based upon scientific fact, there is no such a state as a “potential human being.” Either one is a human being or one is not—period!

As testified by numerous scientists in the field of biology and medicine, human life begins at conception. These include but are not limited to the following.

  • Dr. Watson A. Bowes / Dr. Jerome Le Jeune / Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni/ Dr, Bernard Nathanson/ Dr. Landrum Shettles
  • Professor Hymie Gordon/Professor Micheline Matthews-Roth/ Ashley Montague
  • Peter Singer, an alleged ethicist, and other abortionists, including some scientists, also agree that life begins at conception. They just argue that is moral to take another human’s life….but not their own.

Thus there is an ever increasing body of scientific opinion that human life begins at conception. Yet there remains a serious drumbeat for promoting abortion. If science has concluded that human life exists from the moment of conception and that the ending of a human life through abortion is acceptable, then what conclusions must be drawn about the value of all human life. At what stage can an individual or society decide that a human being no longer has any worth and can be eliminated? When does the taking of any innocent human life become moral? The correct answer is Never. However, many will answer incorrectly with “when I or society think that it is moral.”

Be careful humanity, you may be paving the way for your own extinction.

It Cannot Be Killed


IT Cannot Be Killed

Throughout history, empires have risen and fallen. The Pharaohs’ Egypt, Alexander’s Greek empire, Rome’s empire of conquest, Napoleon’s short lived empire, Hitler’s diabolical Reich, and Stalin’s satanic empire all died , but only after they degenerated into evil that killed freedom and debased human dignity. All political societies carry within them the seeds of descent; a place where failure is waiting, biding its time until it is time to ripe and create change, for better or worse.

Not only do political societies fail or are killed off, so also do philosophies and religions germinate, gain a degree of acceptance, and eventually die. Some continue to exist in new forms at low levels of acceptance, given a nodding assent until people realize it is just a rehash of old, rejected isms of hundreds or thousands of years ago.  Paganism, Arianism, and other isms seem to experience a rebirth only to be dashed upon the stones of reality, though enticing a few, but never again gaining wide acceptance.

Like the human body, anything that is perishable will perish. Occasionally, it might take many centuries to kill an ism, while other organisms may disintegrate in a few years or decades. Yet perish they will.

However, despite frequent and recurring opposition throughout the ages, there is one organization that will not die, because it is not perishable. It has God as it creator, from whom it obtains its permanence and direction. This is the Catholic Church. Despite political and cultural opposition, it has remained unconquered by all types of political and philosophical challenges. It has even survived repeated challenges from slackers within its own ranks. Senior level clergy, theologians, philosophers, and even the laity have tried to kill the church by changing it into their own image. They have all failed and will continue to fail because it is God’s church not theirs. He formed it and will continue to form it according to His will, not theirs.

The Catholic Church can be wounded from without and, mostly, from within, but it cannot be killed. God will not allow it.