Conceived by the Holy Spirit and Born of the Virgin Mary


Conceived by the Holy Spirit and Born of the Virgin Mary

Early in his life, the little boy learned to use his ethnicity to his advantage. His father’s family arrived in America from Ireland and his mother was of German heritage. Thus when the familes gathered together to celebrate their common heritage as Christians and Americans, the youngster would diplomatically answer any question about his ancestry with, “I am half Irish and half German, and all American,” thus winning affectionate nods from both sides of the family.  However, he would demonstrate his diplomatic and political skills by saying he was Irish when in the presence of his Irish family and similarly announce he was German when with his German relatives.  This flexible approach often brought rewards in the form of a small amount of cash or other gift. (It was perfect training for a potential career in politics.) However, this youngster could be moody and would occasionally protest a visit to his relatives by being uncooperative and annoying. On one occasion his Irish uncle offered him a baseball, something the youngster highly valued, if he would be cooperative and end his annoying complaints. The youngster would not relent his disturbing attitude and did not receive the baseball when he and his mother left his relatives to go home. His ego and self –centered attitude won the day, but he lost the valued reward forever.

Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit (God) and was born of the Virgin Mary. Very different from the youngster described above who possessed one human nature though sharing two nationalities, Jesus possessed two separate natures – one divine, one human. He was both God and human. His reason for humbling himself by assuming a human nature was to redeem man from his sins and to provide insight into his expectations of man.  God so loved man that he allowed himself to take upon himself horrendous suffering and a brutal crucifixion. Jesus in his human nature offered himself as the sacrifice to God’s justice for our sins and in his divinity he showered man with his mercy. Thus through his two natures, God’s satisfied his demands for justice and mercy. The gates of heaven were opened for mankind. Thank you Jesus!

However, despite Jesus’ love and sacrifices for man, man often acts in a similar manner to the moody youngster with bursts of ego and self-centered behavior.  Many among mankind will reject God, while others excuse the evil behavior in their life styles, thus failing to make use of God’s wonderful Gift of the divine life. Life on this earth is very short; it is a waste of this life to ignore God and forego the everlasting life with God.  Jesus offered mankind an inestimable gift – it is priceless – the divine life with Him. Why does mankind reject it to satisfy his ego or to realize some very temporary pleasures in this life?



I believe in Jesus Christ, His Only Son, Our lord


I believe in Jesus Christ, His OnlySon, Our lord

When our children were born, it was abundantly clear to my wife and me that they possessed the same human nature as we did. Of course, there was nothing surprising or unexpected in that. The children ate, slept (though, in the early days after birth, not at the times when mom and dad wished they had), communicated with others, and did all of the normal functions common to humans. They possessed the characteristics which define all humans; clearly they were human. (Fortunately, for the children they appear to have inherited many more of their mother’s valued talents rather than the not so valued characteristics of their father.) Similarly, the offspring of other creatures contain the nature and characteristics of the nature of the parents of the created. One would not expect it to be any other way.

 “I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord.”  The church believes and accepts Jesus’ divinity and thus expects him to possess the nature and principal attributes of his father – God.  Jesus claimed to be divine and with authority taught, “I and the Father are one.” On another occasion He emphasized his eternal nature when he stated, “Before Abraham was, I am.” How could he possess existence prior to Abraham if he was not God? Clearly Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, thus possessing the nature and capabilities of the divine. During his life, Jesus demonstrated his divinity through the numerous miracles and other supernatural actions. His healings of the sicknesses of countless numbers of people are too numerous to be identified as mere accidents. The events of his life clearly point to his divinity ….the possession of which is part of his nature as the Son of God.

As born of a woman, Jesus is also truly human, possessing all the attributes of a human. Jesus Christ, truly divine and truly human, offers the perfect sacrifice to God for man’s rejection of God.  It is the mysterious and truly redemptive union of the human and the divine.  One prayer that succinctly and simply captures the unity of Christ’s divinity and humanity with His role as Redeemer is offered to Christ’s Divine Mercy. “Eternal Father I offer you the body and blood, soul and divinity, of your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.” All we have to do is Trust Jesus

Jesus can be interpreted to mean “Yahweh is salvation.” Jesus’ mission was that as the Savior of mankind.  One of his last utterings as he suffered ignominiously on the cross was, “It is achieved.”  Jesus had opened the gates of heaven for mankind; man now can seek eternal salvation with the hope of fulfillment. Through His teachings and the creation of His Church, he taught us and continues to teach us about God and our purpose in life. Christ is the “anointed one.” He is the Messiah.

Suggested Reading:

“Handbook of Christian Apologetics” by Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli, published Intervarsity Press, Note chapter 7, “The Divinity of Christ”.  Available on Amazon